Tamarind Gum Textile Printing Thickener

Tamarind Gum Textile Printing Thickener is a textile printing thickener derived from tamarind gum. The product is a cold water soluble textile printing thickener having high viscosity specially printing thickener. The Tamarind Gum Textile Printing Thickener provides very high color yield, increased brightness. It is recommended for use when printing disperses dyestuffs on 100% polyester and polyester blended fabrics on rotary and flat bed printing machines.

Solubility : Cold water soluble and it is hydrated fast due to the finess of the powder

Suitable for Dyestuff : Disperse dyes

Suitable Fabric to Print : Polyester –Direct and discharge style (For High temperature Fixation)

Suitable Printing Machine : Rotary and Flatbed screen printing machine, Rotary screen Printing and Hand screen printing tables.

Stability : Cripol EHCM6-HVN in powder form is stable for reasonably long period if stored in cool and dry place. Storage beyond six month may gradually reduce viscosity of the product.

Cripol EHMC6-HVN is a special printing thickener having High viscosity, low consumption of powder, Good levelness and sharp prints, chocking free screen, excellent color yield, smooth and level coverage, good penetration and easily washable, soft handle and has better theology it gives higher production without any faulty prints. The pH of the printing paste adjusted to 5.0 - 5.5 with a non volatile organic acid.

Method of Preparation
The stock paste of Cripol EHCM6-HVN is prepared easily by dissolving 7% (93 Parts water and 7 Parts powder) powder in cold water uniformly by stirring about 30 minutes. Leave the stock thickening as such for minimum 4 hour. Stir the stock paste well before use. All the required auxiliaries to be added after complete swelling time.

  • Chemical constitution: Modified Polysaccharides
  • Physical appearance: Buff to Cremish dust free powder
  • Ionic nature : Anionic
  • pH value : 9.5 – 10.5
  • Viscosity* 8% conc. : 40,000 – 46,000 cps

(*Viscosity measured by using Brookfield RV DV-E viscometer spindle no.6 @ 20 rpm at 25oC)

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